Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Would you have revealed the source? Why?

I can understand not revealing a source due to principle.  I can understand not revealing a source to protect integrity.  I can understand not revealing a source to protect a person.  I think that my opinion would waiver on a case to case basis.

In the given circumstances of this movie, I think I would have revealed the source.  I think the first 1 on 1 conversation I had with the special prosecutor, I would have explained that my first source was a child that made an honest…childhood mistake.  Knowing that he could not/would not pursue any charges, I would have asked him to keep this a secret.

If the movie was different, and a legitimate source within the government told me, then I would hold out.  Then I would be defending a real source that was helping expose government mistakes.  That is a principle and purpose worth fighting for.

I understand and appreciate how difficult it must be to protect a source.  I think it takes a stronger person that me to do this type of job.

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