Tuesday, September 4, 2012

‘The internet’s not written in pencil, Mark. It’s written in ink,’ states Erica, seething at the comments he blogged about her. Why is the typed word so powerful? Why is it tempting to misuse the power online? What positive things can social-networking sites achieve when used to their full potential?

The typed word yields more power than the hand written word due to technology.  The written word just doesn’t have the instantaneous distribution the typed word does.  Once words are typed and published they can be copied with relative ease and live on.  The message it intended to deliver will never cease to exist, because it’s simply not possible to know how many copies exist.

It can be very tempting to use this power online.  In fact it’s common to see this regularly.  It can be an angry customer of a business lashing out or just as easily a person venting about politics.  The internet and technology have given the typed word an outlet to be heard.  Complaints, opinions, and ideas can now be shared with a mass audience at a previously unprecedented rate.  When a person is fueled by emotions or have a cause they believe in…why not turn to publishing those thoughts online?  The audience is there…the biggest audience that a person can reach with such a minimal cost.

Social networking sites are the future and can take communication to a new level.  In fact in many ways it has.  Facebook and other social networking sites have linked family, friends, and co-workers in a way that they are never really without contact.  We constantly know what are neighbors are doing.  Instead this technology can be used to warn of users of other news such as inclement weather, school closures, warnings, etc.  The difference is that social networking is 2 way communications.  Broadcast news is only one way.  So one individual with a question can post and ask a question and then that answer is provided to everybody.  Right now, I imagine a lot of duplicate questions being asked which is repetitive and kills productivity.

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